1P-ETH-LAD Blotters
1P-ETH-LAD, also known as 1-propionyl-6-ethyl-6-nor-lysergic acid diethylamide, is a chemical analog of LSD. It belongs to the lysergamide class and has been found to exhibit psychedelic effects similar to LSD. Studies have indicated that 1P-ETH-LAD Blotters may act as a prodrug, with the formation of ETH-LAD observed when incubated in human serum. Additionally, research suggests that this compound is notably more potent than LSD and closely mimics the psychedelic effects of ETH-LAD. It is worth noting that prior to January 2016, there is limited documented human usage of 1P-ETH-LAD.
1P-ETH-LAD Blotters Resources.[
The chemicals utilized were either of analytical or high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) grade, sourced from Rathburn Chemicals Ltd (Walkerburn, Scotland, UK), Fisher Scientific (Dublin, Ireland), or Aldrich (Dorset, UK). Dimethyl sulphoxide-d6 (99.9% D) was specifically obtained from Aldrich (Dorset, UK). Synex Synthetics BV (Delft, the Netherlands) supplied powdered samples of ETH-LAD and 1P–ETH-LAD, which were identified as the hemitartrate salt forms.